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Envía flores a China en cualquier ocasión

Aquí encontrarás flores para todas las ocasiones que se pueden entregar en China. Siempre tenemos las flores más frescas y exóticas para satisfacer tus necesidades especiales al ordenar flores. Puedes pedir flores para todas las ocasiones, incluyendo cumpleaños, duelo, amor, negocios, bendiciones, condolencias, para disculparte o decir lo siento, visitas, bodas, celebraciones, inauguraciones o aperturas.

Tenemos hermosas flores frescas para todas las categorías. Adelante y ordena tus flores a los precios más bajos y haz que se entreguen a tu ser querido que vive en China.


  • Amor

    Entrega de flores y regalos a tu amor en China

    ¿Cómo más puedes expresar tu amor por esa persona especial si no es a través de flores? Envía un hermoso ramo de flores a tu ser querido que vive en China y sorpréndela con tu consideración. Nuestra extensa colección de flores te ayudará a transmitir tu amor de la manera más poderosa.

    Selecciona tus flores de nuestra tienda en línea y cuando amas a alguien, realmente no necesitas una ocasión especial para enviar flores. Cada día puede ser un día especial en el amor. Así que aprende a expresar tu amor con nuestra fresca selección de flores. Entrega rápida y puntual de flores garantizada en cualquier lugar de China.

  • Cumpleaños

    Envía flores por un cumpleaños en China

    No olvides ordenar flores para tu ser querido en su cumpleaños. Cuando envías flores a tu amiga o a tu ser querido en su cumpleaños, le mostrarás claramente cuánto la amas y cuánto te importa. Tenemos la colección más grande de flores de cumpleaños. Ofrece un ramo de flores para el cumpleaños y haz que tu ser querido sea inmensamente feliz.

    Pide un ramo de flores para un cumpleaños en nuestra tienda en línea y ahorra mucho tiempo y dinero. Tenemos algunos de los arreglos florales más impresionantes para un regalo de cumpleaños. Solo entregaremos la colección más fresca de flores a tu ser querido en China.

  • Disculpa.

    Envía flores para disculparte con alguien en China

    ¿Estás buscando las flores más hermosas para enviar a tu ser querido en China para decir lo siento y disculparte? Nuestra tienda en línea se especializa en la entrega de flores para enviar disculpas. Enviar flores a China cuando quieres disculparte con alguien funciona como por arte de magia. En lugar de enviar regalos costosos para pedir perdón, puedes enviar un hermoso arreglo floral a tu ser querido con una simple nota expresando que lo sientes.

    Haz tu pedido de flores para disculpas en nuestra tienda en línea y repara todas las relaciones rotas de manera efectiva. Tu pedido será entregado puntualmente con la nota de disculpa adecuada sin ninguna confusión y al precio correcto.

  • Amigos

    Flores Para Amigos

    Envía flores a tus amigos en ocasiones especiales y solo para decirles que son bien recordados. Enviar flores a amigos fortalecerá tu amistad; puedes enviar tus mensajes de amor y preocupación junto con nuestras hermosas flores. Revisa nuestra galería de flores en línea para elegir las mejores flores.

    Tus amigos seguramente apreciarán tu consideración y el amor que expresas a través de hermosas flores y ramos de flores que les envías. Puedes ordenar flores para tus amigos a los precios más bajos. Ordena tus flores en línea a China de la manera más conveniente desde la comodidad de tu hogar con solo unos pocos clics.

  • Boda

    Envía flores para una boda en China

    Podemos entregar un arreglo floral premium para la boda de alguien que conoces en China.

    Cuando ofreces un ramo de flores en una boda, seguramente harás feliz a la pareja de novios. Las flores son muy poderosas para expresar tu amor y afecto.

    Revisa nuestra galería en línea y ordena flores de calidad superior para bodas a los precios más competitivos. Podemos entregar tus flores en cualquier lugar de China de manera muy rápida, ya que conocemos la importancia del tiempo al enviar flores para bodas. Ordena tus flores en nuestra tienda y disfruta de los mejores servicios y excelentes precios.

  • Negocios

    Envía regalos empresariales y corporativos a China

    Si deseas enviar flores o regalos para cualquier ocasión empresarial en China, nuestra tienda en línea es el mejor lugar para que lo ordenes. Podemos entregar flores frescas y regalos para todas las ocasiones empresariales. Puedes enviar flores y regalos a otras empresas u organizaciones ubicadas en China con las que estás tratando para desearles en días especiales o días significativos para ellos. Esto te ayudará a disfrutar de una buena reputación en la industria y a volverte popular.

    No tienes que preocuparte por pasar mucho tiempo buscando la mejor compañía de regalos en la ciudad para ordenar flores y regalos corporativos para ocasiones empresariales. Puedes ordenar flores y regalos en nuestra tienda en solo unos minutos.

  • Ceremonia de Apertura

    Envía flores para una ceremonia de inauguración

    Envía flores como regalo en una ceremonia de apertura de tienda, una ceremonia de apertura de empresa o cualquier otra ceremonia en China.

  • Bendición

    Flores para bendiciones

    Nuestra tienda de flores en línea ofrece una amplia gama de flores para bendiciones. Ofrece ramos de flores de bendición a tus amigos y seres queridos. Podrás encontrar una amplia variedad de ramos de flores para ocasiones de bendición. Puedes enviar tus buenos deseos y bendiciones a las personas en China en sus días especiales y enviar flores junto con tus bendiciones.

    Las flores siempre significan vida y energía positiva, por lo que será muy apropiado enviar flores a las personas cuando quieras bendecir a alguien. Haz tu pedido de flores de bendición en línea con unos pocos clics y recibe las flores entregadas puntualmente.

  • Condolencias

    Entrega de flores para funerales y condolencias a China

    Ordena ahora un arreglo floral para funerales y condolencias en China. Haz que tu mensaje solidario llegue a tus seres queridos de la manera más efectiva.

  • Duelo

    Flores para Ocasiones de Duelo

    Envía flores para ocasiones de duelo a tus seres queridos y amigos en China y hazles saber que estás allí para apoyarlos y que te importan. Tenemos todo tipo de ramos de flores para ocasiones de duelo. Ahora puedes pedir tus flores en línea con solo unos pocos clics.

    Vendemos flores para ocasiones de duelo a precios muy bajos. No tendrás que preocuparte por la calidad de las flores que entregamos en nuestra tienda. Tenemos las flores más frescas para la entrega. Nuestra tienda de flores en línea es conocida por su rápida entrega y entregaremos tus flores rápidamente junto con el mensaje que des al hacer el pedido de las flores.

Filtros activos

Godiva Godiva Premium Chocolates Gift Box Limited Edition

Brand: Godiva

Type: Premium chocolates gift box limited edition

Quantity: One gift box composed of 12 pieces of Godiva chocolates.

Delivery method: Hand-delivered (1 to 3 hours fast delivery) by a local shop located nearby your recipient address or shipping by package (2 to 3 days).


Depending on your recipient delivery address this Godiva chocolate may be available or not, therefore please read below notice.

We will check with local stores located at your recipient address area if this chocolate is available, if yes it will be hand-delivered (1 to 3 hours fast delivery) by a local shop to your recipient. Same-day delivery or your requested delivery date and time is available.

If this chocolate is not available at local shops located at your recipient address area, this chocolate box will be shipped out by package (express delivery) to your recipient address. Same-day delivery or a specific delivery date is not available.  It take 2 to 3 days to be delivered.

If you would like us to check if it's available at your recipient address before placing the order, please contact our customer service.

This item is only available for delivery in mainland China.

87,90 $
Elegant Hot Pink Heart-Shaped Delight Birthday Cake

Elegant hot pink heart-shaped delight birthday cake.

Sizes available: 6", 8", 10", 12" (inches)

Comes with birthday accessories.

This cake can only be delivered in mainland China, for Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan please contact our customer service.

Delivery method: Hand-delivered by a local cake shop located nearby your recipient address.

Same-day delivery or at your requested delivery date: available.

Fast delivery 1 to 3 hours: available.

Greeting card: available.

Please note that the picture is only for reference, the cake delivered might slighty differ from the picture depending on availability at the pastry shop located nearby your recipient delivery address.

Flowers on picture are not included.

43,80 $
Ferrero Rocher Ferrero Rocher Chocolates Heart Shaped Gift Box of 15 Pieces

Brand: Ferrero Rocher

Type: Hazelnut chocolate

Quantity: One box composed of 15 pieces of Ferrero chocolates.

Weight: 187.5 grams

Delivery method: Hand-delivered by a local store located nearby your recipient address.

Same-day delivery: available.

Fast delivery: available (1-3 hours delivery).

Note: This 15 pcs item is less available than the 8 pcs item. If 15 pcs item not available we will deliver two boxes of Ferrero Rocher heart shaped 8 pcs.

47,50 $
[Local Pastry Shop] Year of the Snake Chinese New Year Themed...

Year of the Snake Chinese New Year themed birthday cake.

Please note that the snake decoration may not be exactly the same as our pictures depending on availability at the pastry shop located nearby your recipient address.

Sizes available: 6", 8", 10" (inches).

This cake can only be delivered in mainland China, for Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan please contact our customer service.

Delivery method: Hand-delivered by a local cake shop located nearby your recipient address.

Same-day delivery or at your requested delivery date: available.

Fast delivery 1 to 3 hours: available.

Greeting card: available.

Please note that the picture is only for reference, the cake delivered might slighty differ from the picture depending on availability at the pastry shop located nearby your recipient delivery address.

42,90 $
Guylian GuyLian Premium Belgian Chocolate The Original Seashells

Brand: Guylian

Type: Premium Belgian chocolates The Original Seashells with hazelnut praline filling

Quantity: One box composed of 22 pieces of Guylian chocolates.

Box dimensions: 18.5 cm x 19 cm

Total weight: 250 grams

Delivery method: Hand-delivered (1 to 3 hours fast delivery) by a local shop located nearby your recipient address or shipping by package (2 to 3 days).


Depending on your recipient delivery address this Guylian chocolate may be available or not, therefore please read below notice.

We will check with local shops located at your recipient address area if this chocolate is available, if yes it will be hand-delivered (1 to 3 hours fast delivery) by a local shop to your recipient. Same-day delivery or your requested delivery date and time is available.

If this chocolate is not available at local shops located at your recipient address area, this chocolate box will be shipped out by package (express delivery) to your recipient address. Same-day delivery or a specific delivery date is not available. It take 2 to 3 days to be delivered.

If you would like us to check if it's available at your recipient address before placing the order, please contact our customer service.

This item is only available for delivery in mainland China.

48,50 $
Godiva Godiva Christmas Chocolates Gift Box Limited Edition (20 pcs)

Sold out

Brand: Godiva

Type: Christmas chocolates gift box limited edition

Quantity: One gift box composed of 20 pcs of Godiva chocolates.

Delivery method: Hand-delivered (1 to 3 hours fast delivery) by a local shop located nearby your recipient address or shipping by package (2 to 3 days).


Depending on your recipient delivery address this Godiva chocolate may be available or not, therefore please read below notice.

We will check with local shops located at your recipient address area if this chocolate is available, if yes it will be hand-delivered (1 to 3 hours fast delivery) by a local shop to your recipient. Same-day delivery or your requested delivery date and time is available.

If this chocolate is not available at local shops located at your recipient address area, this chocolate box will be shipped out by package (express delivery) to your recipient address. Same-day delivery or a specific delivery date is not available.  It take 2 to 3 days to be delivered.

If you would like us to check if it's available at your recipient address before placing the order, please contact our customer service.

This item is only available for delivery in mainland China.

107,90 $
Godiva Advent Calendar Christmas Chocolates Gift Box

Brand: Godiva

Type: Advent calendar Christmas chocolates gift box

Quantity: One gift box composed of 10 pieces of Godiva chocolates.

Delivery method: Hand-delivered (1 to 3 hours fast delivery) by a local shop located nearby your recipient address or shipping by package (2 to 3 days).


Depending on your recipient delivery address this Godiva chocolate may be available or not, therefore please read below notice.

We will check with local shops located at your recipient address area if this chocolate is available, if yes it will be hand-delivered (1 to 3 hours fast delivery) by a local shop to your recipient. Same-day delivery or your requested delivery date and time is available.

If this chocolate is not available at local shops located at your recipient address area, this chocolate box will be shipped out by package (express delivery) to your recipient address. Same-day delivery or a specific delivery date is not available.  It take 2 to 3 days to be delivered.

If you would like us to check if it's available at your recipient address before placing the order, please contact our customer service.

This item is only available for delivery in mainland China.

55,90 $
Sweet Blooms & Fresh Fruits Gift Box

Gift box composed of 16 fresh pink roses, red spray roses, red hypericum berries, eucalyptus leaves, strawberries, blueberries, kiwis, grapes and cherry tomatoes.

The item picture is only for reference, please note that depending on availability at the flower shop located nearby your recipient address we may have to exchange some of flowers or fruits to other available fruits or flowers. Please rest assured that we will alway exchange for the same value.

This gift box of flowers and fruits can only be delivered in mainland China. For Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan please contact our customer service before placing an order.

Delivery method: hand-delivered by a local florist located nearby your recipient address.

Same-day delivery or at your requested delivery date: available.

Fast delivery (1 to 3 hours): available.

Greeting card: available.

77,90 $
The Gift Box of Flowers, Cappuccino Roses, Teddy Bear and...

Gift box of flowers composed of 9 Cappuccino roses, orange red spray roses, one small teddy bear (20 to 30 cm) and one balloon.

Before placing an order of this item, please learn more about Cappuccino roses with our detailed online guide at the bottom of this page. Cappuccino rose is a unique variety of roses and may appear "aged" and not fresh, but they are as fresh and long-lasting as other roses.

This box of flowers can only be delivered in mainland China. For Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan please contact our customer service before placing an order.

Delivery method: hand-delivered by a local florist located nearby your recipient address.

Same-day delivery or at your requested delivery date: available.

Fast delivery (1 to 3 hours): available.

Greeting card: available.

51,90 $
[Holiland Shop] Happy Every Day Round Shaped Fruits Birthday Cake

Brand: Holiland

Type: Birthday Cake

Taste: Fruits

Sizes: 15 cm (6" inches) / 20 cm (8" inches)

Delivery method: Hand-delivered from the nearest Holiland shop

Delivery area: Not available everywhere in China (please see list of cities at the bottom of the page and confirm the city of your delivery address is listed to avoid your order being delayed or cancelled)

Holiland is one of the biggest pastry brand in China, it has shops all over China and provides delicious birthday cakes.

57,90 $
2 Stems White Gold Color Phalaenopsis Orchid

Two stems white gold color phalaenopsis orchid planted in a ceramic pot.

Please note that the ceramic pot on picture is only for reference, depending on availability at the flower shop located nearby your recipient address the ceramic pot delivered may be different from our picture.

This 2 stems white and gold color orchid can be delivered anywhere in China, including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.

Delivery method: hand-delivered by a local florist located nearby your recipient address.

Same-day delivery or at your requested delivery date.

Fast delivery (1-3 hours) available.

Greeting card available.

52,90 $
The Fruits and Flowers Round Shaped Gift Box « Delicious Gift »

Round shaped gift box composed of fresh red roses, cherries, strawberries and blueberries.

This box of fruits and flowers can only be delivered in mainland China. Please contact our customer service prior of ordering for Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.

Delivery method: hand-delivered by a local florist located nearby your recipient address.

Same-day delivery or at your requested delivery date: available.

Greeting card: available.

Fast delivery (1 to 3 hours): available.

Please note that depending on availability at your recipient address area, if a fruit is not available we may need to replace it by another fruit of similar value.

85,90 $
The Bouquet of Flowers « Nature »

Bouquet of flowers composed of 11 champagne roses, 3 sunflowers, one blue hydrangea, one blue spray white orchid, white lisianthus, white snapdragons and eucalyptus foliage.

Premium blue color wrapping and tied with a ribbon.

This bouquet of flowers can be delivered anywhere in China, including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.

Delivery method: hand-delivered by a local florist located nearby your recipient address.

Same-day delivery or at your requested delivery date: available.

Fast delivery (1-3 hours): available.

Greeting card: available.

55,90 $
Heart Shaped Gift Box of Red Roses, Chocolates and Teddy Bears...

Heart shaped gift box composed of 11 fresh red roses, white gypsophila flowers, 9 pcs of Ferrero Rocher chocolates and two little teddy bears.

This gift box can be delivered anywhere in China, including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.

Delivery method: hand-delivered by a local florist located nearby your recipient address.

Same-day delivery or at your requested delivery date: available.

Fast delivery (1-3 hours): available.

Greeting card: available.

68,90 $
The Bouquet of Red Roses and Chocolates « Succulent Love »

Bouquet composed of 19 fresh red roses, 33 Ferrero Rocher chocolates and white gypsophila flowers.

Premium blue color wrapping tied with a ribbon.

This bouquet of flowers and chocolates is currently only available for delivery in mainland China. For Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan please contact our customer service.

Delivery method: hand-delivered by a local florist located nearby your recipient address.

Same-day delivery or at your requested delivery date: available.

Fast delivery (1-3 hours): available.

Greeting card: available.

72,90 $
The Fruits and Flowers Heart Shaped Gift Box « My Heart is...

The fruits and flowers heart shaped gift box « My Heart is Only for You ».

Fruits composed of grapes, blueberries, orange, apple, cherry tomato.

Flowers composed of sunflower, roses and spray roses.

The item picture is only for reference, please note that depending on availability at the flower shop located nearby your recipient address we may have to exchange some of flowers or fruits to other available fruits or flowers. Please rest assured that we will exchange for the same value. 

This heart shaped box of mix fruits and flowers can be delivered anywhere in China, including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.

Delivery method: hand-delivered by a local florist located nearby your recipient's delivery address.

Same-day delivery or at your requested delivery date: available.

Fast delivery (1-3 hours): available.

Greeting card: available.

71,90 $
[Local Pastry Shop] Bloom Flowers Double Layer Round Shaped...

Bloom flowers double layer round shaped milk cream birthday cake.

Fresh flowers, not edible.

Please note that the butterfly decoration may not be available depending on availability at the pastry shop located nearby your recipient address.

Sizes available: 8" + 6" (inches)

Comes with birthday accessories.


First notice: Please note that depending on availability at the cake shop located nearby your recipient address area, the butterfly decoration as on our picture may not be available and therefore not included.

Second notice: Please note that depending on availability at the cake shop located nearby your recipient address area, the metallic line on picture surrounding the cake may not be available and therefore not included.

Please rest assured that we will always make sure that the cake delivered is as beautiful as our picture.

Please be aware of this notice before placing the order. You may contact us prior of ordering to confirm that those items are available as to avoid any misunderstanding. Thank you.

This cake can only be delivered in mainland China, for Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan please contact our customer service.

Delivery method: Hand-delivered by a local cake shop located nearby your recipient address.

Same-day delivery or at your requested delivery date: available.

Fast delivery 1 to 3 hours: available.

Greeting card: available.

Please note that the picture is only for reference, the cake delivered might slighty differ from the picture depending on availability at the pastry shop located nearby your recipient delivery address.

109,80 $
[Local Pastry Shop] Mixed Fruits Double Layer Round Shaped...

Mixed fruits double layer round shaped milk cream birthday cake.

Sizes available: 8" + 6" / 10" + 8" / 12" + 10" (inches)

Comes with birthday accessories.

This cake can only be delivered in mainland China, for Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan please contact our customer service.

Delivery method: Hand-delivered by a local cake shop located nearby your recipient address.

Same-day delivery or at your requested delivery date: available.

Fast delivery 1 to 3 hours: available.

Greeting card: available.

Please note that the picture is only for reference, the cake delivered might slighty differ from the picture depending on availability at the pastry shop located nearby your recipient delivery address.

72,50 $
Preserved Rose & Hydrangea Flowers in Angel Glass Dome

Angel glass dome composed of a natural preserved rose and preserved hydrangea flowers.

Preserved rose imported from Ecuador.

Size: W7.3 cm (Width) x H10.9 cm (Height).

Comes with a gift box.

Preserved roses also known as "eternal roses" can last for months and even years if cared correctly.

This item can be delivered anywhere in mainland China. For Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and the rest of the world please contact our customer service before placing the order.

Delivery method: Shipping by package

Same-day delivery or requested delivery date: not available.

Fast delivery (1-3 hours): not available.


Same-day delivery or a specific delivery date are not available for this item.

After we received your order the package will be shipped out by express delivery and delivered to your recipient within 2 to 3 days after shipment.

37,90 $
[Local Pastry Shop] Mix Fruits Double Layer Round Shaped...

Mix fruits double layer round shaped birthday cake.

Sizes available: 8" + 6" / 10" + 8" / 12" + 10" (inches)

Comes with birthday accessories.

This cake can only be delivered in mainland China, for Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan please contact our customer service.

Delivery method: Hand-delivered by a local cake shop located nearby your recipient address.

Same-day delivery or at your requested delivery date: available.

Fast delivery 1 to 3 hours: available.

Greeting card: available.

Please note that the picture is only for reference, the cake delivered might slighty differ from the picture depending on availability at the pastry shop located nearby your recipient delivery address.

68,50 $
[Ganso Shop] Luxury Car Style Round Shaped Birthday Cake

Brand: Ganso

Type: Pearls style birthday cake

Sizes: 6" / 8" / 10" (inches)

Delivery method: Hand-delivered by a Ganso shop located nearby your delivery address.

Delivery area: Not available everywhere in China (please see list of cities at the bottom of the page and confirm the city of your delivery address is listed to avoid your order being cancelled).

Ganso is one of the biggest pastry brand in China, it has shops all over China and provides delicious birthday cakes.

62,90 $
[Ganso Shop] Pearls Style Round Shaped Birthday Cake

Brand: Ganso

Type: Pearls style birthday cake

Sizes: 6" / 8"  (inches)

Delivery method: Hand-delivered by a Ganso shop located nearby your delivery address.

Delivery area: Not available everywhere in China (please see list of cities at the bottom of the page and confirm the city of your delivery address is listed to avoid your order being cancelled).

Ganso is one of the biggest pastry brand in China, it has shops all over China and provides delicious birthday cakes.

62,80 $
[Local Pastry Shop] Year of the Dragon Birthday Cake - Happy...

Type: Birthday cake - Year of the Dragon - Happy Chinese New Year

This birthday cake can only be delivered in mainland China, for Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan please contact our customer service.

Delivery method: Hand-delivered by a local cake shop located nearby your recipient address.

Same-day delivery or at your requested delivery date: available.

Greeting card: available.

Please note that the picture is only for reference, the cake delivered might slighty differ from our picture depending on availability at the cake shop located nearby your recipient delivery address.

49,80 $
Chinese New Year Themed Floral Arrangement

Floral arrangement arranged in a gift pot and composed of fresh red roses, orchid, pincushion protea flowers, bird of paradise flowers, anthurium, red willow branches, little colorful flowers and Chinese New Year themed decoration.

Please note that depending on availability at your recipient address area, some flowers may be substituted by other similar valued flowers.

This floral arrangement is currently only available for delivery in mainland China,  for Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, please contact our customer service.

Delivery method: hand-delivered by a local florist located nearby your recipient address.

Same-day delivery or at your requested delivery date: available.

Fast delivery (1-3 hours): available.

Greeting card: available.

138,80 $
Bottle of Baijiu Chinese National Liquor 500ml

Send a bottle of Baijiu, the famous Chinese alcohol liquor, to the person of your choice in China.

Quantity: One bottle of Baijiu with it's box.

Volume: 500 ml

Quality: we have three qualities for you to choose: Standard, Superior and Premium.

For example, if you select Premium quality, we will deliver to your recipient the famous and expensive brand Kweichow Moutai.

The brand and model will be delivered depending on the quality chosen and availability at your recipient address area. If you have a preference for a brand and model, please contact our customer service before ordering to check if it's available at your recipient address area.

Delivery method: hand-delivered to your recipient address from a local liquor shop.

Same-day delivery or at your request delivery date: available.

Fast delivery (1-3 hours) available.

68,80 $
Ganso [Ganso Shop] Chinese New Year Ganso Snacks and Pastries Year...

***** Sold out. Only available during Chinese New Year *****

Brand: Ganso

Type: Chinese New Year Ganso snacks and pastries Year of the Dragon themed red color gift box

Dimensions of the box: 27.5 cm x 27.5 cm x 6 cm

Delivery area: Only available in mainland China, not available for delivery in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.

Delivery method: Hand-delivered to your recipient address from the nearest Ganso shop.


- If there is a Ganso shop located at the city of your recipient, this item is hand-delivered to your recipient address. Same-day delivery or at your requested delivery date and time is available.

- If there is no Ganso shop located at the city of your recipient, this item will be shipped out by package to your recipient address. It takes 2 to 3 days after shipment to be delivered. Same-day delivery or at your requested delivery date and time is not available.

Please check below at the bottom of this page to see the list of cities where Ganso shops are available.

65,80 $
Ganso [Ganso Shop] Chinese New Year Ganso Snacks and Pastries Gold...

***** Sold out. Only available during Chinese New Year *****

Brand: Ganso

Type: Chinese New Year Ganso snacks and pastries Year of the Dragon themed gold color gift box

Dimensions of the box: 39.1 cm x 28.9 cm x 7.3 cm

Delivery area: Only available in mainland China, not available for delivery in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.

Delivery method: Hand-delivered to your recipient address from the nearest Ganso shop.


- If there is a Ganso shop located at the city of your recipient, this item is hand-delivered to your recipient address. Same-day delivery or at your requested delivery date and time is available.

- If there is no Ganso shop located at the city of your recipient, this item will be shipped out by package to your recipient address. It takes 2 to 3 days after shipment to be delivered. Same-day delivery or at your requested delivery date and time is not available.

Please check below at the bottom of this page to see the list of cities where Ganso shops are available.

115,80 $
Godiva Godiva Premium Chocolates 20 Pcs Chinese New Year Themed...

Brand: Godiva

Type: Godiva premium chocolates rectangular shaped gift box, Chinese New Year themed edition.

Quantity: One box composed of 20 chocolates.


Depending on your recipient delivery address this Godiva chocolate may be available or not, therefore please read below notice.

We will check if there is a Godiva store and with local shops located at your recipient address area if this chocolate is available, if yes it will be hand-delivered (1 to 3 hours fast delivery) from a Godiva store or from a local shop to your recipient. Same-day delivery or your requested delivery date and time is available.

If there is no Godiva stores and if this chocolate is not available at local shops located at your recipient address area, this chocolate box will be shipped out by package (express delivery) to your recipient address. Same-day delivery or a specific delivery date is not available. It take 2 to 3 days to be delivered.

If you would like us to check if it's available at your recipient address before placing the order, please contact our customer service.

This item is only available for delivery in mainland China.

119,90 $
Chinese New Year Gift Basket: Tea, Baijiu, Red Wine, Mixed...

Content of the basket:

Few fresh red roses arranged on the basket

1 x beautiful gift box of Chinese tea - Chinese brand - 200 to 300 grams

1 x bottle of Chinese Baijiu - 500 ml

1 x bottle of imported red wine - 750 ml

1 x assortment of fresh fruits - 2 kg

1 x pack of nuts - Chinese brand - 100 grams

1 x pack of dried fruits - Chinese brand - 100 grams

For the tea, baijiu and red wine on this basket you can select the "quality". There are three qualities available: Standard, Superior, Premium, the brand and quality delivered will be according to the quality you have chosen. For example, if you choose premium quality, the baijiu brand name delivered will be the famous and expensive Kweichow Moutai, the tea delivered will be the famous BaMa tea (high quality) and the red wine an expensive and famous foreign red wine brand. Please choose accordingly.

Delivery method: hand-delivered by a local florist located nearby your recipient address.

Same-day delivery: available only for big cities.

Greeting card: available.

This is a special Chinese New Year Festival gift basket with red roses that can be hand-delivered almost anywhere in China. For Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, please contact our customer service before ordering.

Same-day delivery available only for big cities, if the city of your recipient is not a big city please order this basket at least 3 days before your requested delivery date.

Brands on picture are only for reference, the brand delivered will depend on the quality ordered and availability at your recipient delivery address area.

155,90 $
Godiva Godiva Premium Chocolates 12 Pcs Chinese New Year Themed...

Brand: Godiva

Type: Godiva premium chocolates square shaped gift box, Chinese New Year themed edition.

Quantity: One box composed of 12 chocolates.

Dimensions: 13.5 x 13.5 cm x 3.3 cm


Depending on your recipient delivery address this Godiva chocolate may be available or not, therefore please read below notice.

We will check if there is a Godiva store and with local shops located at your recipient address area if this chocolate is available, if yes it will be hand-delivered (1 to 3 hours fast delivery) from a Godiva store or from a local shop to your recipient. Same-day delivery or your requested delivery date and time is available.

If there is no Godiva stores and if this chocolate is not available at local shops located at your recipient address area, this chocolate box will be shipped out by package (express delivery) to your recipient address. Same-day delivery or a specific delivery date is not available. It take 2 to 3 days to be delivered.

If you would like us to check if it's available at your recipient address before placing the order, please contact our customer service.

This item is only available for delivery in mainland China.

79,90 $