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The bouquet of flowers « Floral seasons »

The bouquet of flowers « Floral seasons »


11 champagne roses, accented with white/purple lisianthus and fresh greens.

Pink corrugated paper and gold floral white waterproof paper single side wrap, light purple crepe paper at the bottom, finished with a pink ribbon.

This bouquet of champagne roses can be delivered anywhere in China, including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.

Delivery method: hand-delivered by a local florist located nearby your recipient address.

Same-day delivery or at your requested delivery date: available.

Fast delivery (1-3 hours): available.

Greeting card: available.

Delivery area : Mainland China
Hurry! only 987 items left in stock.

  Contact method

Recipient's phone number is the most important info we need, please make sure to provide it to us.

  Same-day delivery

Place your order before 6pm China time if you wish same-day delivery.

  Pricing difference

Please note that cost of flowers are much higher in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.

The bouquet of flowers « Floral seasons »


bouquet of champagne roses and multicolor lisianthus


champagne roses




send a bouquet of champagne roses to China

: IWY583
Hurry! only 987 items left in stock.