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Bouquet of 999 fresh red roses

The Bouquet of 999 Red Roses « Take me to your heart »


Premium bouquet composed of 999 fresh red roses.

Arranged on a premium black wrapping and a red ribbon.

This bouquet of 999 red roses can be delivered anywhere in China, including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.

Delivery method: hand-delivered by a local florist located nearby your recipient address.

Same-day delivery or at your requested delivery date: available.

Greeting card: available.

Delivery area : Mainland China
Hurry! only 999 items left in stock.
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  Contact method

Recipient's phone number is the most important info we need, please make sure to provide it to us.

  Same-day delivery

Place your order before 6pm China time if you wish same-day delivery.

  Pricing difference

Please note that cost of flowers are much higher in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.

In China, 999 red roses hold a special significance. This number is considered lucky in Chinese culture and symbolizes everlasting love. When someone receives 999 red roses, it is a powerful expression of deep and unending love, devotion, and commitment.

It is customary in China to gift 999 red roses on special occasions such as Valentine's Day, wedding proposals, or for declaring one's love to someone. The gesture is a grand display of affection and is sure to leave a lasting impression.

Sending 999 red roses to someone in China is a symbol of love that will endure the test of time, a love that will last forever. It is a gesture that speaks volumes and leaves no room for doubt about the giver's feelings.

Overall, 999 red roses are a meaningful symbol of love in Chinese culture, conveying a message of deep, eternal affection and devotion.

This floral arrangement can be offered to someone on below listed festival dates:

  • Christmas
  • New Year's Day
  • Chinese New Year
  • Lantern Festival
  • Valentine's Day
  • Women's Day
  • Easter
  • 520 Day
  • Mother's Day
  • Father's Day
  • Qixi Festival
  • Teacher's Day
  • Thanksgiving Day

Bouquet of 999 red roses

: IWY999
Hurry! only 999 items left in stock.