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Send blue flowers to China

We can deliver a bouquet of blue flowers (whether it's blue roses, blue tulips or any other kind of blue flowers), fresh blue flowers can be delivered to the person of your choice anywhere in China.

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The Bouquet of Flowers « Nature »

Bouquet of flowers composed of 11 champagne roses, 3 sunflowers, one blue hydrangea, one blue spray white orchid, white lisianthus, white snapdragons and eucalyptus foliage.

Premium blue color wrapping and tied with a ribbon.

This bouquet of flowers can be delivered anywhere in China, including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.

Delivery method: hand-delivered by a local florist located nearby your recipient address.

Same-day delivery or at your requested delivery date: available.

Fast delivery (1-3 hours): available.

Greeting card: available.

The Bouquet of 99 White Roses Blue Tinted « Snow Queen »

Bouquet of 99 fresh white roses tinted with blue paint spray.

Premium white and transparent wrapping, tied with a white ribbon.

This bouquet of 99 white roses blue tinted can be delivered anywhere in China, including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.

Delivery method: hand-delivered by a local florist located nearby your recipient address.

Same-day delivery or at your requested delivery date: available.

Fast delivery (1-3 hours): available.

Greeting card: available.

The bouquet of flowers « Oasis »

Flowers: 2 blue hydrangeas, 13 champagne roses, orange spray roses, 10 pink carnations, 3 purple snapdragons, 3 green bellflowers, with eucalyptus foliage.

Packing: Apricot color premium wrapping, tied with a white ribbon.

This bouquet of roses, carnations and hydrangeas can be delivered anywhere in China, including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.

Delivery method: hand-delivered by a local florist located nearby your recipient address.

Same-day delivery or at your requested delivery date: available.

Fast delivery (1-3 hours): available.

Greeting card: available.

The bouquet of flowers « Little Bee »

Bouquet composed of one blue hydrangea, 11 pink roses, 6 hot pink roses, one pink gerbera flower, two sunflowers, 5 white-purple edged lisianthus and eucalyptus foliage.

Blue turquoise premium wrapping and tied with a blue ribbon.

This bouquet of pink roses, sunflowers and blue hydrangea can be delivered anywhere in China, including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.

Delivery method: hand-delivered by a local florist located nearby your recipient address.

Same-day delivery or at your requested delivery date: available.

Fast delivery (1-3 hours): available.

Greeting card: available.

The bouquet of flowers « Excitement »

10 champagne roses, 10 white roses with blue spray, 8 yellow roses, orange spray roses, one hydrangea, two sunflowers, accented with daisy flowers and eucalyptus foliage.

Premium blue wrapping, tied with a light blue ribbon.

This bouquet of roses, hydrangea and sunflowers can be delivered anywhere in China, including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.

Delivery method: hand-delivered by a local florist located nearby your recipient address.

Same-day delivery or at your requested delivery date: available.

Fast delivery (1-3 hours): available.

Greeting card: available.

The Bouquet of Flowers « My Queen »

Flower materials: 3 blue hydrangeas, 3 sunflowers, 9 yellow roses, 8 brushed gerbera, 2 white snapdragons (or violets), with plump bellflowers, white daisies, green daisies, with grass.

Packaging: blue gray premium wrapping with white ribbon.

This bouquet of flowers can be delivered anywhere in China, including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.

Delivery method: hand-delivered by a local florist located nearby your recipient address.

Same-day delivery or at your requested delivery date.

Fast delivery (1-3 hours) available.

Greeting card available.

The Bouquet of Flowers « Blue Moon »

Bouquet composed of one blue hydrangea, three white roses, white lisianthus, eucalyptus and daisies.

Premium blue wrapping and tied with a white ribbon.

This bouquet of flowers can be delivered anywhere in China, including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.

Delivery method: hand-delivered by a local florist located nearby your recipient address.

Same-day delivery or at your requested delivery date: available.

Fast delivery (1-3 hours): available.

Greeting card: available.

The vase of flowers « Electric Mood »

5 blue roses and 5 yellow calla lilies.

Arranged in a glass vase.

Important: please note that those light blue roses are not available everywhere in China, if not available we will substitute it to dark blue roses or blue spray painted white roses which are more available at local florists than light blue roses.

If you do not agree with this subtitution, please contact us before you place the order and provide us your delivery address for we can check and confirm if those light blue roses are available at your recipient address area.

Delivery method: hand-delivered by a local florist located nearby your recipient address.

Same-day delivery or at your requested delivery date: available.

Fast delivery (1-3 hours): available.

Greeting card: available.

The vase of blue roses « Landscape colorful »

Glass vase composed of 13 light blue roses, pink Bouvardia hybrida and green grass.

Important: please note that those light blue roses are not available everywhere in China, if not available we will substitute it to dark blue roses or blue spray painted white roses which are more available at local florists than light blue roses.

If you do not agree with this subtitution, please contact us before you place the order and provide us your delivery address for we can check and confirm if those light blue roses are available at your recipient address area.

Delivery method: hand-delivered by a local florist located nearby your recipient's delivery address.

Same-day delivery or at your requested delivery date: available.

Fast delivery (1-3 hours): available.

Greeting card: available.

The box of flowers « Love »

16 stunning pink roses with 16 blue roses accented with baby's breath and one small teddy bear.

Medium pink heart shape box with lid visible inside.

Important: please note that those light blue roses are not available everywhere in China, if not available we will substitute it to dark blue roses or blue spray painted white roses which are more available at local florists than light blue roses.

If you do not agree with this subtitution, please contact us before you place the order and provide us your delivery address for we can check and confirm if those light blue roses are available at your recipient address area.

Delivery method: hand-delivered by a local florist located nearby your recipient address.

Same-day delivery or at your requested delivery date: available.

Fast delivery (1-3 hours): available.

Greeting card: available.

The bouquet of flowers « A fairy in this mortal world »

11 blue roses accented with 6 yellow calla lilies, peruvian lilies and fresh greens.

Yellow crepe paper and purple kraft paper stratified wrap, finished with a pink strip ribbon.

Important: please note that those light blue roses are not available everywhere in China, if not available we will substitute it to dark blue roses or blue spray painted white roses which are more available at local florists than light blue roses.

If you do not agree with this subtitution, please contact us before you place the order and provide us your delivery address for we can check and confirm if those light blue roses are available at your delivery address area.

Delivery method: hand-delivered by a local florist located nearby your recipient address.

Same-day delivery or at your requested delivery date: available.

Fast delivery (1-3 hours): available.

Greeting card: available.

The bouquet of flowers « You are the only one »

11 blue roses accented by multi-stemmed pink lisianthus and fresh greens.

Blue snow spotted think mesh interior with green wavy paper, finished with a purple silk ribbon.

Important: please note that those light blue roses are not available everywhere in China, if not available at your recipient address area we will substitute it to dark blue roses or blue spray painted white roses which are more available at local florists than light blue roses.

If you do not agree with this subtitution, please contact us before you place the order and provide us your delivery address for we can check and confirm if those light blue roses are available at your recipient address area.

Delivery method: hand-delivered by a local florist located nearby your recipient address.

Same-day delivery or at your requested delivery date: available.

Fast delivery (1-3 hours): available.

Greeting card: available.

The bouquet of flowers « Crazy for love »

11 blue roses accented by one multi-stemmed white perfume lily, pinathus japonicus and cymbidium goeringii.

Gilded pink crepe paper and blue crepe paper stratified wrap, finished with a gilded deep green ribbon.

Important: please note that those light blue roses are not available everywhere in China, if not available we will substitute it to dark blue roses or blue spray painted white roses which are more available at local florists than light blue roses.

If you do not agree with this subtitution, please contact us before you place the order and provide us your delivery address for we can check and confirm if those light blue roses are available at your recipient address area.

Delivery method: hand-delivered by a local florist located nearby your recipient address.

Same-day delivery or at your requested delivery date: available.

Fast delivery (1-3 hours): available.

Greeting card: available.

The bouquet of flowers « The most romantic thing »

11 blue roses accented with limonium perezii and fresh greens.

Giled pink crepe paper and sky blue and saphire blue crepe paper stratified wrap, finished with a light blue ribbon.

Important: please note that those light blue roses are not available everywhere in China, if not available we will substitute it to dark blue roses or blue spray painted white roses which are more available at local florists than light blue roses.

If you do not agree with this subtitution, please contact us before you place the order and provide us your delivery address for we can check and confirm if those light blue roses are available at your recipient address area.

Delivery method: hand-delivered by a local florist located nearby your recipient address.

Same-day delivery or at your requested delivery date: available.

Fast delivery (1-3 hours): available.

Greeting card: available.

The bouquet of flowers « Blue Vision »

Bouquet composed of 11 blue roses accented by gardenia leaves.

Blue crepe paper fanned wrap, interior with champagne cotton paper at the bottom, finished with a blue french bow.

Important: please note that those light blue roses are not available everywhere in China, if not available we will substitute it to dark blue roses or blue spray painted white roses which are more available at local florists than light blue roses.

If you do not agree with this subtitution, please contact us before you place the order and provide us your delivery address for we can check and confirm if those light blue roses are available at your recipient address area.

Delivery method: hand-delivered by a local florist located nearby your recipient address.

Same-day delivery or at your requested delivery date: available.

Fast delivery (1-3 hours): available.

Greeting card: available.

The bouquet of flowers « Honey and Sweet »

11 blue roses accented by lisianthus, pinathus japonicus and fresh greens.

White cotton paper and purple crepe paper fanned wrap, finished with a pink strip ribbon.

Important: please note that those light blue roses are not available everywhere in China, if not available we will substitute it to dark blue roses or blue spray painted white roses which are more available at local florists than light blue roses.

If you do not agree with this subtitution, please contact us before you place the order and provide us your delivery address for we can check and confirm if those light blue roses are available at your recipient address area.

Delivery method: hand-delivered by a local florist located nearby your recipient address.

Same-day delivery or at your requested delivery date: available.

Fast delivery (1-3 hours): available.

Greeting card: available.

The bouquet of flowers « I like the subtle feeling »

4 yellow perfume lilies and 10 pink carnations, accented by a blue hydrangea, orange gerbera daisies, daisy poms, pink matthiola incana, crystal grass and fresh greens.

Purple kraft paper and fuchsia corrugated paper single side wrap, gold mesh and pink corrugated paper at the bottom, finished with a coffee ribbon.

This bouquet of flowers can be delivered anywhere in China, including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.

Delivery method: hand-delivered by a local florist located nearby your recipient address.

Same-day delivery or at your requested delivery date: available.

Fast delivery (1-3 hours): available.

Greeting card: available.

The bouquet of flowers « Matching heart, feeling connected »

11 premium white roses accented with 4 multi-stemmed white fragrant lilies, a blue hydrangea at center, and fresh greens.

Lined with floral waterproof paper, blue crepe paper exquisite fanned wrap, burgundy fiberglass at the bottom, finished with a blue ribbon

This bouquet of white roses, white lilies and a blue hydrangea can be delivered anywhere in China, including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.

Delivery method: hand-delivered by a local florist located nearby your recipient address.

Same-day delivery or at your requested delivery date.

Fast delivery (1-3 hours) available.

Greeting card available.
