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Our flowers listed by type

We provide a wide range of fresh flowers, we can deliver calla lilies, carnations, gerberas, lilies, roses, sunflowers and water lilies.

Flowers are available in eclectic colors for delivery by a local florist located nearby your recipient's delivery address.


  • Rose

    Send fresh roses to China

    • We can deliver a wide range of fresh roses to the person of your choice living in China. Browse our extensive collection of roses arranged in a bouquet, a basket or even a box, choose the one you wish to order and we will deliver it directly to the hands of your love living in China.
    • Red roses, white roses, yellow roses, champagne roses, pink roses and even blue roses are available for delivery anywhere in China.
  • Lily

    Send lily flowers to China

    We can deliver a large choice of lily flowers to the person of your choice living in China. Browse our choice of floral arrangements composed of lily flowers, place an order online, a local florist will deliver your order directly to the hands of your love.

  • Water Lily

    Send water lily flowers to China

    We can deliver a wide array of water lily flowers to your recipient in China. Browse our choice of floral arrangements composed of water lily flowers and let us deliver your order directly to the hands of your love in China.

  • Calla Lily

    Send calla lilies to China

    Send a beautiful bouquet of calla lilies to your love living in China. We own a wide range of fresh calla lilies available in different colors for a delivery anywhere in China.

  • Tulip

    Send fresh tulips to China

    Order a bouquet of fresh tulips to the person of your choice living in China with iweiyi.com, your reliable online florist to deliver tulips in China.

  • Sunflower

    Send sunflowers to China

    Order a bouquet of sunflowers online with iweiyi.com, your reliable online florist to deliver sunflowers in China.

  • Carnation

    Carnation flower delivery in China

    Discover the charm of carnations, a symbol of love, admiration, and gratitude. With their ruffled petals and vibrant colors, carnations are perfect for celebrating special moments or expressing heartfelt emotions. At iweiyi.com, we offer beautifully crafted carnation bouquets, ideal for any occasion. Send carnations anywhere in China, including Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan, with our reliable same-day and fast delivery options.

  • Gerbera

    Send gerbera flowers to China

    We can deliver a wide array of gerbera flowers to your love living in China. Browse our choice of gerberas, place the order on our website, a local florist will deliver your floral arrangement composed of gerberas to the person of your choice in China.

  • Hydrangea

    Hydrangea flowers delivery to China

    We can deliver a large choice of floral arrangements with hydrangea flowers to your love in China. Browse our choice of hydrangea flowers available in different colors for a delivery anywhere in China.

  • Peony

    Peonies flower delivery in China

    Browse our choices of peony bouquets available for delivery anywhere in China. Send peonies today as a gift to the person of your choice living in China. Peony flower was once the national flower of China, now it is the Plum Blossom.

  • Orchid

    Send an orchid to China

    We can deliver a selection of orchids in different sizes and colors to the person of your choice living in China.

  • Protea

    Protea flowers delivery to China

    We can deliver floral arrangements composed of protea flowers to the person of your choice living in China. Browse our choice of protea flowers, pincushion, king protea, queen protea and more that are available for delivery anywhere in China

  • Bird of Paradise

    Bird of Paradise flower delivery in China

    Order a bunch of Bird of Paradise flowers today for a delivery anywhere in China. Browse our range of Strelitzia reginae, also known as crane flower that can be delivered to the person of your choice in China.

  • Ranunculus

    Ranunculus flowers delivery to China

    Send a Ranunculus floral arrangement to the person of your choice living in China. We can deliver Ranunculus flowers in different colors anywhere in China.

  • Chrysanthemum

    Chrysanthemum flowers delivery in China

    Browse our choices of floral arrangement composed of chrystanthemum flowers for a delivery in China. We can deliver a wide choice of chrysanthemum flowers to the person of your choice anywhere in China.

  • Green plants

    Green plants delivery in China

    Browse our wide selection of green plants available for delivery anywhere in China. We can deliver directly to the address of your recipient a large choice of plants.

  • Preserved flowers

    Preserved flowers delivery in China

    Browse our extensive collection of preserved flowers available for delivery anywhere in China. Preserved roses, sunflowers, hydrangeas and gypsophila are among those preserved flowers that we can deliver to your recipient in China.

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The Bouquet of flowers « Take your time »

Bouquet composed of 13 cappuccino roses and orange red spray roses.

Arranged in a brown color premium wrapping.

This bouquet of cappuccino roses can be delivered anywhere in China, including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.

Delivery method: hand-delivered by a local florist located nearby your recipient address.

Same-day delivery or at your requested delivery date: available.

Fast delivery (1-3 hours): available.

Greeting card: available.

Sweet Blooms & Fresh Fruits Gift Box

Gift box composed of 16 fresh pink roses, red spray roses, red hypericum berries, eucalyptus leaves, strawberries, blueberries, kiwis, grapes and cherry tomatoes.

The item picture is only for reference, please note that depending on availability at the flower shop located nearby your recipient address we may have to exchange some of flowers or fruits to other available fruits or flowers. Please rest assured that we will alway exchange for the same value.

This gift box of flowers and fruits can only be delivered in mainland China. For Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan please contact our customer service before placing an order.

Delivery method: hand-delivered by a local florist located nearby your recipient address.

Same-day delivery or at your requested delivery date: available.

Fast delivery (1 to 3 hours): available.

Greeting card: available.

The Gift Box of Flowers, Cappuccino Roses, Teddy Bear and...

Gift box of flowers composed of 9 Cappuccino roses, orange red spray roses, one small teddy bear (20 to 30 cm) and one balloon.

Before placing an order of this item, please learn more about Cappuccino roses with our detailed online guide at the bottom of this page. Cappuccino rose is a unique variety of roses and may appear "aged" and not fresh, but they are as fresh and long-lasting as other roses.

This box of flowers can only be delivered in mainland China. For Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan please contact our customer service before placing an order.

Delivery method: hand-delivered by a local florist located nearby your recipient address.

Same-day delivery or at your requested delivery date: available.

Fast delivery (1 to 3 hours): available.

Greeting card: available.

2 Stems White Gold Color Phalaenopsis Orchid

Two stems white gold color phalaenopsis orchid planted in a ceramic pot.

Please note that the ceramic pot on picture is only for reference, depending on availability at the flower shop located nearby your recipient address the ceramic pot delivered may be different from our picture.

This 2 stems white and gold color orchid can be delivered anywhere in China, including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.

Delivery method: hand-delivered by a local florist located nearby your recipient address.

Same-day delivery or at your requested delivery date.

Fast delivery (1-3 hours) available.

Greeting card available.

The Fruits and Flowers Round Shaped Gift Box « Delicious Gift »

Round shaped gift box composed of fresh red roses, cherries, strawberries and blueberries.

This box of fruits and flowers can only be delivered in mainland China. Please contact our customer service prior of ordering for Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.

Delivery method: hand-delivered by a local florist located nearby your recipient address.

Same-day delivery or at your requested delivery date: available.

Greeting card: available.

Fast delivery (1 to 3 hours): available.

Please note that depending on availability at your recipient address area, if a fruit is not available we may need to replace it by another fruit of similar value.

The Bouquet of Flowers « Nature »

Bouquet of flowers composed of 11 champagne roses, 3 sunflowers, one blue hydrangea, one blue spray white orchid, white lisianthus, white snapdragons and eucalyptus foliage.

Premium blue color wrapping and tied with a ribbon.

This bouquet of flowers can be delivered anywhere in China, including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.

Delivery method: hand-delivered by a local florist located nearby your recipient address.

Same-day delivery or at your requested delivery date: available.

Fast delivery (1-3 hours): available.

Greeting card: available.

Heart Shaped Gift Box of Red Roses, Chocolates and Teddy Bears...

Heart shaped gift box composed of 11 fresh red roses, white gypsophila flowers, 9 pcs of Ferrero Rocher chocolates and two little teddy bears.

This gift box can be delivered anywhere in China, including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.

Delivery method: hand-delivered by a local florist located nearby your recipient address.

Same-day delivery or at your requested delivery date: available.

Fast delivery (1-3 hours): available.

Greeting card: available.

The Bouquet of Red Roses and Chocolates « Succulent Love »

Bouquet composed of 19 fresh red roses, 33 Ferrero Rocher chocolates and white gypsophila flowers.

Premium blue color wrapping tied with a ribbon.

This bouquet of flowers and chocolates is currently only available for delivery in mainland China. For Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan please contact our customer service.

Delivery method: hand-delivered by a local florist located nearby your recipient address.

Same-day delivery or at your requested delivery date: available.

Fast delivery (1-3 hours): available.

Greeting card: available.

The Fruits and Flowers Heart Shaped Gift Box « My Heart is...

The fruits and flowers heart shaped gift box « My Heart is Only for You ».

Fruits composed of grapes, blueberries, orange, apple, cherry tomato.

Flowers composed of sunflower, roses and spray roses.

The item picture is only for reference, please note that depending on availability at the flower shop located nearby your recipient address we may have to exchange some of flowers or fruits to other available fruits or flowers. Please rest assured that we will exchange for the same value. 

This heart shaped box of mix fruits and flowers can be delivered anywhere in China, including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.

Delivery method: hand-delivered by a local florist located nearby your recipient's delivery address.

Same-day delivery or at your requested delivery date: available.

Fast delivery (1-3 hours): available.

Greeting card: available.

Preserved Rose & Hydrangea Flowers in Angel Glass Dome

Angel glass dome composed of a natural preserved rose and preserved hydrangea flowers.

Preserved rose imported from Ecuador.

Size: W7.3 cm (Width) x H10.9 cm (Height).

Comes with a gift box.

Preserved roses also known as "eternal roses" can last for months and even years if cared correctly.

This item can be delivered anywhere in mainland China. For Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and the rest of the world please contact our customer service before placing the order.

Delivery method: Shipping by package

Same-day delivery or requested delivery date: not available.

Fast delivery (1-3 hours): not available.


Same-day delivery or a specific delivery date are not available for this item.

After we received your order the package will be shipped out by express delivery and delivered to your recipient within 2 to 3 days after shipment.

Chinese New Year Themed Floral Arrangement

Floral arrangement arranged in a gift pot and composed of fresh red roses, orchid, pincushion protea flowers, bird of paradise flowers, anthurium, red willow branches, little colorful flowers and Chinese New Year themed decoration.

Please note that depending on availability at your recipient address area, some flowers may be substituted by other similar valued flowers.

This floral arrangement is currently only available for delivery in mainland China,  for Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, please contact our customer service.

Delivery method: hand-delivered by a local florist located nearby your recipient address.

Same-day delivery or at your requested delivery date: available.

Fast delivery (1-3 hours): available.

Greeting card: available.

Chinese New Year Gift Basket: Tea, Baijiu, Red Wine, Mixed...

Content of the basket:

Few fresh red roses arranged on the basket

1 x beautiful gift box of Chinese tea - Chinese brand - 200 to 300 grams

1 x bottle of Chinese Baijiu - 500 ml

1 x bottle of imported red wine - 750 ml

1 x assortment of fresh fruits - 2 kg

1 x pack of nuts - Chinese brand - 100 grams

1 x pack of dried fruits - Chinese brand - 100 grams

For the tea, baijiu and red wine on this basket you can select the "quality". There are three qualities available: Standard, Superior, Premium, the brand and quality delivered will be according to the quality you have chosen. For example, if you choose premium quality, the baijiu brand name delivered will be the famous and expensive Kweichow Moutai, the tea delivered will be the famous BaMa tea (high quality) and the red wine an expensive and famous foreign red wine brand. Please choose accordingly.

Delivery method: hand-delivered by a local florist located nearby your recipient address.

Same-day delivery: available only for big cities.

Greeting card: available.

This is a special Chinese New Year Festival gift basket with red roses that can be hand-delivered almost anywhere in China. For Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan, please contact our customer service before ordering.

Same-day delivery available only for big cities, if the city of your recipient is not a big city please order this basket at least 3 days before your requested delivery date.

Brands on picture are only for reference, the brand delivered will depend on the quality ordered and availability at your recipient delivery address area.

The Bouquet of Sunflowers and White Lilies « Glorious »

Bouquet of flowers composed of 5 sunflowers, 3 multi-stemmed white lilies and lisianthus.

Premium beige color wrapping and tied with a ribbon.

This bouquet of sunflowers and white lilies can be delivered anywhere in China, including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.

Delivery method: hand-delivered by a local florist located nearby your recipient address.

Same-day delivery or at your requested delivery date: available.

Fast delivery (1-3 hours): available.

Greeting card: available.

$56.25 Regular price $62.50
The Bouquet of 199 White and Red Roses « Love is in the Air »

Bouquet of 199 fresh roses composed of 133 white roses surrounding 66 red roses arranged in a heart shape.

Premium white wrapping, tied with a black ribbon.

This bouquet of 199 white and red roses can be delivered anywhere in China, including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.

Delivery method: hand-delivered by a local florist located nearby your recipient address.

Same-day delivery or at your requested delivery date: available.

Fast delivery (1-3 hours): available.

Greeting card: available.

3D Heart Shaped Natural Preserved Roses

3D heart shaped natural preserved roses.

3D mean you can see the preserved roses from any sides.

Protected by a removal glass box.

Size: W26 cm (Width) x H24.5 cm (Height) x D17 cm (Depth)

Preserved roses also known as "eternal roses" can last for months and even years if cared correctly.

This 3D heart shaped natural preserved roses can only be delivered in mainland China, for Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan please contact our customer service.

Delivery method: Shipping by package

Same-day delivery or requested delivery date: not available.

Fast delivery (1-3 hours): not available.

Greeting card: available.


Same-day delivery or a specific delivery date are not available for this item.

After we received your order the package will be shipped out by express delivery and delivered to your recipient within 2 to 3 days after shipment.

Small Christmas Tree Composed of Preserved Flowers

Small Christmas tree composed of natural preserved roses and preserved hydrangea flowers.

Protected by a removal glass box.

Size: W24 cm (Width) x H38 cm (Height)

Preserved roses also known as "eternal roses" can last for months and even years if cared correctly.

This small Christmas tree preserved flowers can only be delivered in mainland China, for Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan please contact our customer service.

Delivery method: Shipping by package

Same-day delivery or requested delivery date: not available.

Fast delivery (1-3 hours): not available.

Greeting card: available.


Same-day delivery or a specific delivery date are not available for this item.

After we received your order the package will be shipped out by express delivery and delivered to your recipient within 2 to 3 days after shipment.

Mini Christmas Tree Composed of Preserved Flowers

Mini Christmas tree composed of natural preserved roses and preserved hydrangea flowers.

Protected by a removal glass dome.

Comes with a string light (work with three AAA batteries).

Size: W14 cm (Width) x H18 cm (Height)

Preserved roses also known as "eternal roses" can last for months and even years if cared correctly.

This mini Christmas tree composed of preserved flowers can be delivered anywhere in mainland China. For Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and the rest of the world please contact our customer service before placing the order.

Delivery method: Shipping by package

Same-day delivery or requested delivery date: not available.

Fast delivery (1-3 hours): not available.


Same-day delivery or a specific delivery date are not available for this item.

After we received your order the package will be shipped out by express delivery and delivered to your recipient within 2 to 3 days after shipment.

Heart Shape Preserved Roses in a Gift Box

Natural preserved roses arranged in a heart shape.

60 to 65 roses

Size: 29.5 cm x 30 cm x 10 cm

Preserved roses also known as "eternal roses" can last for months and even years if cared correctly.

Those preserved roses can only be delivered in mainland China, for Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan please contact our customer service.

Delivery method: Shipping by package

Same-day delivery or requested delivery date: not available.

Fast delivery (1-3 hours): not available.

Greeting card: available.


Same-day delivery or a specific delivery date are not available for this item.

After we received your order the package will be shipped out by express delivery and delivered to your recipient within 2 to 3 days after shipment.

Preserved Roses and Hydrangea Flowers in a Bottle of Wine

Natural preserved roses and hydrangea flowers arranged inside a bottle of wine cut in half.

Bottle size: width: 7 cm / Height: 22 cm

The bottle is delivered inside a protective gift box.

Preserved roses also known as "eternal roses" can last for months and even years if cared correctly.

Those preserved roses and flowers arranged in a bottle of wine can only be delivered in mainland China, for Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan please contact our customer service.

Delivery method: Shipping by package

Same-day delivery or requested delivery date: not available.

Fast delivery (1-3 hours): not available.

Greeting card: available.


Same-day delivery or a specific delivery date are not available for this item.

After we received your order the package will be shipped out by express delivery and delivered to your recipient within 2 to 3 days after shipment.

Preserved Flowers Bedside Lamp Table Gift

Natural preserved roses and hydrangea arranged on a bedside lamp.

Item size: Width: 19 cm / Depth: 9.5 cm / Height: 22.5 cm

Preserved roses also known as "eternal roses" can last for months and even years if cared correctly.

Those preserved flowers bedside lamp can only be delivered in mainland China. For Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan please contact our customer service.

Delivery method: Shipping by package

Same-day delivery or requested delivery date: not available.

Fast delivery (1-3 hours): not available.

Greeting card: available.


Same-day delivery or a specific delivery date are not available for this item.

After we received your order, the package will be shipped out by express delivery and delivered to your recipient within 2 to 3 days after shipment.

[Local Pastry Shop] Roses Flowers Style Round Shaped Birthday...

Roses & flowers theme round shaped birthday cake.

Fresh flowers, not edible.

Sizes available: 6", 8", 10", 12" (inches)

Comes with birthday accessories.

This cake can only be delivered in mainland China, for Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan please contact our customer service.

Delivery method: Hand-delivered by a local cake shop located nearby your recipient address.

Same-day delivery or at your requested delivery date: available.

Fast delivery 1 to 3 hours: available.

Greeting card: available.

Please note that the picture is only for reference, the cake delivered might slighty differ from the picture depending on availability at the pastry shop located nearby your recipient delivery address.

The Heart Shaped Gift Box of Red Roses and Ferrero Rocher «...

Heart shaped gift box composed of one Ferrero Rocher chocolates heart shaped box (8 chocolates pcs), 11 fresh red roses and white gypsophila (baby breath).

This box of red roses and Ferrero Rocher chocolates can be delivered anywhere in China, including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.

Delivery method: hand-delivered by a local florist located nearby your recipient address.

Same-day delivery or at your requested delivery date: available.

Fast delivery (1-3 hours): available.

Greeting card: available.

Preserved Flowers and Chinese Lucky Cats in a Glass Box

Natural preserved roses and hydrangea with a Chinese lucky cats in a glass dome.

Colors available: red / pink

Two Chinese lucky cats arranged with preserved flowers.

Item size: Width: 20 cm / Depth: 14 cm / Height: 18 cm

Preserved roses also known as "eternal roses" can last for months and even years if cared correctly.

Chinese lucky cat is considered good luck to put it at an entry of business, office or home. Therefore it is a good choice to offer it as a gift to someone.

Those preserved flowers and the lucky cats can only be delivered in mainland China. For Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan please contact our customer service.

Delivery method: Shipping by package

Same-day delivery or requested delivery date: not available.

Fast delivery (1-3 hours): not available.

Greeting card: available.


Same-day delivery or a specific delivery date are not available for this item.

After we received your order, the package will be shipped out by express delivery and delivered to your recipient within 2 to 3 days after shipment.

Preserved Flowers and Chinese Waving Lucky Cat in a Glass Dome

Natural preserved roses and hydrangea with a Chinese waving lucky cat in a glass dome.

Colors available: red / pink

Waving lucky cat: work with three batteries (not included).

Item size: Width: 12 cm x Height: 13.5 cm

Preserved roses also known as "eternal roses" can last for months and even years if cared correctly.

Chinese waving lucky cat is considered good luck to put it at an entry of business, office or home. Therefore it is a good choice to offer it as a gift to someone.

Those preserved flowers and the lucky cat can only be delivered in mainland China. For Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan please contact our customer service.

Delivery method: Shipping by package

Same-day delivery or requested delivery date: not available.

Fast delivery (1-3 hours): not available.

Greeting card: available.


Same-day delivery or a specific delivery date are not available for this item.

After we received your order, the package will be shipped out by express delivery and delivered to your recipient within 2 to 3 days after shipment.

The Fruits and Flowers Round Shaped Gift Box « Spread Love »

Round shaped gift box composed of flowers and fruits.

Flowers: yellow roses, sunflowers, orange spray roses and foliage.

Fruits: grapes, mango, orange, pomegranate, longan, blueberries, cherry tomato, kiwi.

This round shaped box of fruits and flowers can be delivered anywhere in China, including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.

Delivery method: hand-delivered by a local florist located nearby your recipient address.

Same-day delivery or at your requested delivery date: available.

Greeting card: available.

Please note that depending on availability at your recipient address area, if a fruit is not available we may need to replace it by another fruit of similar value.

The Bouquet of 99 White Roses Blue Tinted « Snow Queen »

Bouquet of 99 fresh white roses tinted with blue paint spray.

Premium white and transparent wrapping, tied with a white ribbon.

This bouquet of 99 white roses blue tinted can be delivered anywhere in China, including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.

Delivery method: hand-delivered by a local florist located nearby your recipient address.

Same-day delivery or at your requested delivery date: available.

Fast delivery (1-3 hours): available.

Greeting card: available.

The Bouquet of 99 Red and White Roses « Red Heart »

Bouquet of 99 fresh roses composed of 50 white roses surrounding 49 red roses arranged in a heart shape.

Premium white wrapping, tied with a black ribbon.

This bouquet of 99 white and red roses can be delivered anywhere in China, including Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.

Delivery method: hand-delivered by a local florist located nearby your recipient address.

Same-day delivery or at your requested delivery date: available.

Fast delivery (1-3 hours): available.

Greeting card: available.

Preserved Red Rose in a Golden Color Jewelry Box

Natural preserved single red rose in a golden color jewelry box.

Size: 6.3 cm x 6.8 cm

Weight: 0.5 kg

Preserved roses also known as "eternal roses" can last for months and even years if cared correctly.

This preserved red rose can only be delivered in mainland China, for Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan please contact our customer service.

Delivery method: Shipping by package

Same-day delivery or requested delivery date: not available.

Fast delivery (1-3 hours): not available.

Greeting card: available.


Same-day delivery or a specific delivery date are not available for this item.

After we received your order the package will be shipped out by express delivery and delivered to your recipient within 2 to 3 days after shipment.

Preserved Red Rose and Hydrangea in a Glass Dome Box with LED...

Natural preserved single red rose with preserved hydrangea flowers in a glass dome box with a led light.

Dimension: 12 cm x 13 cm

Preserved flowers also known as "eternal flowers" can last for months and even years if cared correctly.

This preserved red rose and hydrangea can only be delivered in mainland China, for Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan please contact our customer service.

Delivery method: Shipping by package

Same-day delivery or requested delivery date: not available.

Fast delivery (1-3 hours): not available.

Greeting card: available.


Same-day delivery or a specific delivery date are not available for this item.

After we received your order the package will be shipped out by express delivery and delivered to your recipient within 2 to 3 days after shipment.
